Marketing Online

eTravel Multichannel Benchmark Results


Key findings: 
– have topped the multichannel overall league table with thehighest score in five out of six of the customer journey stages (First Impressions, Initial Research Search, Search Results, Booking Process, Design & usability)
– were a close second with an excellent App score. 
– The multichannel rankings were again dominated by the Hotel sector with Late Rooms completing the overall top three. 
– Best Western achieved a top score in the customer support category. 
– topped the desktop rankings coming first in every stage of the customer journey. 
– Quality of search experience is improving with an increasing number of brands achieving ‘excellent’ ratings. 
– The experience on Apps and mobile sites continues to lag behind more established website scores as brands continue to get to grips with optimising the travel customer experience on mobile. 
– Delivering a quality initial research mobile that is on a par with desktop sites continues to be a the main challenge although brands such as Expedia, and are beginning to buck the trend and score well in this area. 

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The Online Travel Planning Journey of Today’s Leisure Consumers


Some valuable insights about the complexity of the traveler’s search-shop-buy journey, such as: 
– Mean touch points = 6.5 (up to 7,9 for people 25-34 age old) 
– Number of touch points on mobile=1, desktop=5 
– Mobile devices used more by youngsters during the online travel planning journey 
– 23% of bookings are “mobile” 
– OTAs are the first place that travel websites consumers visit when they plan trips. Google second and Tripadvisor alike websites third. 

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Let’s Get Nerdy: Data Analytics for Business Leaders Explained

This article is meant to help business leaders understand the analytics opportunity and techniquesAll the while, providing a reference for Data Scientists and technical leaders to use as they try to distill immensely complex subject areas into comprehensible bite-size pieces.


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Bid Management Science Explained – Search Engine Land

Search Engine Land Bid Management Science Explained Search Engine Land So, when optimizing for position, a bid system should actually calculate which position generates the optimal “profit per-thousand-impressions,” which I’ll abbreviate as PPM. Source: Before making a choice between different bid management platforms, it is useful to make sure how the algorithms actually work. 

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Implementing Scroll Tracking via Google Tag Manager

Learn to Implement Scroll Tracking through Google Tag Manager via easy to understand step by step guide. Source: Do your website visitors read "below the fold"? Is effective your content structure for navigation information discovery and findability? If you want to make sure to avoid the risk of hiding important information, start checking scroll

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