Marketing Strategy

Study: How Millennials Travel Differently Compared to Generation X and Mature Travelers

In 2014, Hipmunk launched its annual Millennial Travel Habits Study to uncover how millennials travel differently than their generation X and mature traveler counterparts. What we found was enlightening, informative and oftentimes humorous. Did you ever expect a millennial to be willing to stand for the duration of a flight to save a few bucks? Neither did we. Once again,…


The main conclusions of the study seem to fall in line with prevailing Millennial traits. Technology and design focused products and services resonate well with the younger generation, provided they’re cost effective and efficient.

Study: How Millennials Travel Differently Compared to Generation X and Mature Travelers Read More »

New Evidences Of Travel Brokers’ Use Of Google Limited Offers Ads To Sell Directly Online

While examining Hotel Ads today using our favorite search query we spotted a new format for Limited Offers in Google Hotel Ads which allows the user to book using Google Wallet. This is the first time we’ve seen this combination of technologies used together, and the first time we’ve seen Google Wallet on desktop.

Images and a walkthrough of the entire experience after the hop…


Even hotel brokers, that were not supposed to sell directly, can now sell hotel rooms easily through Google’s B2C platform. What hoteliers consider their B2C competitors may change shortly… If you do not know about Google limited offers see more on this good article

New Evidences Of Travel Brokers’ Use Of Google Limited Offers Ads To Sell Directly Online Read More »

What Drives Online Hotel Choice, a Cornell Eye Tracking Study

Source: “We found that when people are browsing through search results, they tend to look more frequently at hotel names than any other feature, and that pictures of the hotel appear to be hugely influential during both stages of the search. Our next project will be to dig more deeply into what we uncovered

What Drives Online Hotel Choice, a Cornell Eye Tracking Study Read More »

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