Marketing Online

Study: At upscale hotels, guest acquisition costs are devouring room revenue growth – Tnooz

Between 2009 and 2012, guest acquisition costs for 104 North American luxury hotels was about the same as revenue growth (23%), says a study by HAMA. Source: The hotel distribution model has evolved in the digital era. Hotels have been ceding control of sales and marketing to a host of third parties. Today, third-parties […]

Study: At upscale hotels, guest acquisition costs are devouring room revenue growth – Tnooz Read More »

Ritz-Carlton’s Big Announcement And The Luxury-Mobile Paradox

Mobile and self-service customer support aren’t yet a reality at the great luxury hotels of today. This is in spite of the expectations of today’s customers, and of the dominant customers of the very near future: the uniquely large millennial generation of customers: young people born 1980-2000 who will  soon […] Source: Embracing Mobile

Ritz-Carlton’s Big Announcement And The Luxury-Mobile Paradox Read More »

Uber’s Most Important Innovation Isn’t A Car Service: It’s the Pricing Algorithm | MIT Technology Review

Uber’s most important innovation is the way it prices its services. But that innovation has not been unreservedly welcomed by customers. They’re wrong. Source: Uber Prices Its Services Dynamically. Their Smart Algorithm Is Thought To Maximize Revenues But Also To Boost and Balance Its Own Car Fleet With The Market Demand

Uber’s Most Important Innovation Isn’t A Car Service: It’s the Pricing Algorithm | MIT Technology Review Read More »

How to Exploit Eye Tracking Technology to Improve User Experience | Kwasi Studios

With more & more B2Bs using content marketing, inbound marketers must evolve. Exploiting technologies like eye tracking is part of this evolution. Source: Eye Tracking Technologies Will Become More & More Important For Advertisers and Publishers As Google Glass-like Tools Get Traction

How to Exploit Eye Tracking Technology to Improve User Experience | Kwasi Studios Read More »

The Greatest Misconception in Content Marketing – Whiteboard Friday

Great content certainly helps business, but it isn’t as simple as “publish, share, convert new customers.” In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand explains what’s really going on. Source: Why Most Companies Fail to Get a Good Social Media ROI: They Tend to Underestimate The Fact That Creating Good Content Takes a Lot of Time and

The Greatest Misconception in Content Marketing – Whiteboard Friday Read More »

Disintermediation – The (not so) Secret Agency Dilemma – AudienceScience

Since marketers are beginning to understand and ask questions of the complex digital advertising space (they have to) in a lot more depth and beginning to demand greater transparency to enable them to make more informed, savvy decisions when it comes to digital spend, there has been a lot of talk about the disintermediation of

Disintermediation – The (not so) Secret Agency Dilemma – AudienceScience Read More »

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