Beyond Pricing will help Boston Airbnb hosts adjust rates based on demand

If you’ve ever tried to book a flight during February’s school vacation weeks, or a hotel in Arizona in August, you’ve seen demand-based pricing in action. In some cities, even parking meters adjust their prices based on how many spots are left on a block.

Now a San Francisco startup, Beyond Pricing, is bringing demand-based pricing to people who rent out their homes — or just spare rooms — through Airbnb. The free service adjusts the price of a condo in the North End or a spare bedroom in Back Bay up or down, based on how much demand exists on each specific night of the year.


New Revenue Management Company Provides Dynamic Pricing To People Who Rent Out Their Homes — Or Just Spare Rooms — Through Airbnb.

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Beyond Pricing will help Boston Airbnb hosts adjust rates based on demand

If you’ve ever tried to book a flight during February’s school vacation weeks, or a hotel in Arizona in August, you’ve seen demand-based pricing in action. In some cities, even parking meters adjust their prices based on how many spots are left on a block.

Now a San Francisco startup, Beyond Pricing, is bringing demand-based pricing to people who rent out their homes — or just spare rooms — through Airbnb. The free service adjusts the price of a condo in the North End or a spare bedroom in Back Bay up or down, based on how much demand exists on each specific night of the year.


New Revenue Management Company Provides Dynamic Pricing To People Who Rent Out Their Homes — Or Just Spare Rooms — Through Airbnb.

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